If you want to apply style for actionbar then add
is the values of the API version 11, and values-v14
is the values of the API version 14 in the res folder/ when your minSdkVersion is less than 11.<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="11" />
Using Themes, getting space between homeAsUpIndicator and App Icon is not working but it is possible through programatically.
android:homeAsUpIndicator : Specifies a drawable to use for the 'home as up' indicator.
setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) shows the "<" on the action bar.
android:homeAsUpIndicator allows to change the icon
<item name="homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/custom_home</item>
Access the homeAsUpIndicator from the app by calling the android.R.id.home.
Change padding so that we will get space between homeAsUpIndicator and App Icon.
((ImageView) android.R.id.home).setPadding(7,0,7,0)