post is improvements to the previous posts discussed on customization
of navigation drawer and highlighting specific row of expandable
there are few comments regarding the highlight of expandable list
view post, thought to show with new post using custom navigation
drawer. But how can we see the highlight of the expandable list view
in handset, let’s take navigation drawer and customize it to use
expandable list view.
starting, I have faced few problems before starting
expandablelistview and few questions are shown below. They are?
1. How
and why onchildclicklistener won’t respond but ongroupclicklistener
2. Whether
we can have different background to the group view and child view?
3. How
to highlight the group row or child row on selecting?
4. How
to give the feedback on selection of other row when there is a
highlight shown on the other row?
start knowing the solution for the questions faced.
1. How
to get respond for OnChildClickListener and
where will be the problem?
Solution: return
true in isChildSelectable method of custom adapter.
Reason: When
we extend BaseExpandableListAdapter of ExpandableListView adapter,
we will be forced to override few methods. In one of the abstract
method, we have isChildSelectable(int
groupPosition, int childPosition) which
in turn returns false default
when we implement. Since it is false, we are unable to get
respond OnChildClickListener.
Turn it true to
solve the porblem.
2. Whether
we can have different backgrounds to group and child views?
Solution: Yes
Reason: use
custom adapter for expandablelistview and override getGroupView and
getChildView method, and use different inflater.inflate xml’s to
achieve it.
2 layouts, one for group view and other for child view, let say
as custom_list_view.xml
and custom_list_view_child.xml
the layouts in the respective methods of getGroupView and
getChildView and add android:background=" " to the layout.
3. How
to highlight the respective rows?
Solution: By
using drawable xml’s and ItemChecked method of ExpandableListView.
Reason: drawable
xml specify which color has to be shown on active of row and
ItemChecked method specify which row has to be highlighted.
4. How
to give feedback for other rows in the list view?
Solution: By
adding state_pressed item in the drawable xml’s.
Reason: Since
the drawable xml is mapped to the layout, the action of the row is
handled by the drawable xml. So, by adding state_pressed in the xml,
we can get feedback when user press on the other row of the xml.
can download the source code by clicking Here. This
project is built using eclipse IDE. Unzip and import the project into
Eclipse, it’s a good idea to use the Project by clean and rebuild
from the project menu. It works in all API levels above 14.
can see, all four question answered in the below image.
Navigation Drawer
color's : White for Group View and Orange for Child Views.
Color : Blue
Color : Green
Thanks for reading :)
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