Friday, February 14, 2014

3rd Party Libraries for Android Developers

Benefits of third party library Building

  1. Less effort for app development.
  2. Quick implementaion.
  3. Reusable components

3rd Party Libraries

The Android Support Library package is a set of code libraries that provide backward-compatible versions of Android framework APIs as well as features that are only available through the library APIs. 

The Android Action Bar Style Generator allows you to easily create a simple, attractive and seamless custom action bar style for your Android application. It will generate all necessary nine patch assets plus associated XML drawables and styles which you can copy straight into your project.
Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock. Originally based on Patrik Ã…kerfeldt's ViewFlow.
ActionBarSherlock is an extension of the support library designed to facilitate the use of the action bar design pattern across all versions of Android with a single API.

Object Relational Mapping Lite (ORM Lite) provides some simple, lightweight functionality for persisting Java objects to SQL databases while avoiding the complexity and overhead of more standard ORM packages.
greenDAO is an open source project to help Android developers working with data stored in SQLite. 
probably the fastest ORM for Android

This project aims to provide a reusable instrument for asynchronous image loading, caching and displaying. It is originally based on Fedor Vlasov's project and has been vastly refactored and improved since then.

This project aims to provide a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android.

Spring for Android is a framework that is designed to provide components of the Spring family of projects for use in Android apps. Like all Spring projects, the real power of Spring for Android is found in how easily it can be extended.

Used for JSON parsing

Used for XML parsing

AChartEngine is a charting library for Android applications.  It currently supports the following chart types:
  • line chart
  • area chart
  • scatter chart
  • time chart
  • bar chart
  • pie chart
  • bubble chart
  • doughnut chart
  • range (high-low) bar chart
  • dial chart / gauge
  • combined (any combination of line, cubic line, scatter, bar, range bar, bubble) chart
  • cubic line chart

Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android. Our goal is to make Android coding simpler, easier, and more fun!
Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device. These scripts have access to many of the APIs available to full-fledged Android applications, but with a greatly simplified interface that makes it easy to get things done.

qPDF Toolkit is an Android Java SDK that allows app developers to quickly add PDF functionality to their Android apps.
The library uses the Real time messaging protocol (RTMP) from Adobe for streaming audio, video and data over internet. This also facilitates Audio / video streaming, Remote procedure calls, Messaging and communication using shared objects.

A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android

Thanks for all the 3rd party library developers...
There is an article which told about the tips of using 3rd party libraries 

1. Use Only Actively Maintained Libraries

Look at things like the date of the latest release, the number of developers contributing, and the sponsoring organizations.

2. Use Only Libraries With an Appropriate License

What’s appropriate for you obviously depends on your context. For instance, if you’re building and distributing a commercial, closed source application, you shouldn’t use any library that only comes with the GPL.

3. Limit the Amount of Code That Touches the Library

Use the Facade design pattern to wrap the library in your own interface. This has several advantages:
  • It allows you to easily replace the library with another, should the need arise
  • It documents what parts of the library you are actually using
  • It allows you to add functionality that the library should have provided but doesn’t, and do so in a logical place

4. Keep the Library Up-to-date

Many developers live by the rule “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. However, you may not notice some of the things that are broken. For instance, many libraries contain security vulnerabilities that are fixed in later versions. You won’t notice these problems until a hacker breaches your application.

5. Write Regression Tests For the Library

If you’re regularly going to update the library, as I suggest, then you’d better know whether they broke anything in a new release. So you need to write some tests that prove the functionality that you want to use from the library.
As a bonus, these tests double as documentation on how to use the library.

6. Know What Libraries You Use

You should always be able to tell what libraries you are using at
any given moment, as well as their versions and licenses. You just never know when someone from the security team is going to call you about a critical vulnerability in a specific version of a library, or when the legal department suddenly decides to forbid the use of a certain license.

7. Take Ownership of the Library

Your application provides functionality to its users. They don’t care whether you build that functionality yourself, or whether you use a library. Not should they. When there is a problem anywhere in your code, you need to be able to fix it.
So think about how you are going to do that for the libraries you plan on using. Are the developing organizations responsive to bug reports? Do you have access to the source? Are the developing organizations willing to apply your patches? Does the license permit modifying the code for private use?

Some of the libraries which I am aware off. If you use/known one not listed here and you think people will find useful, feel free to leave a comment.

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